The Brazilian government has approved a railway that will tear apart 933km of Amazon forest and decimate swathes of Indigenous lands.
The "Ferrogrão" project is being rushed through by Bolsonaro’s government, with heavy backing from agribusiness giants like Bunge, ADM and Cargill - who stand to increase their profits in the area.
Any moment now, the erasure of ancient trees and villages could begin – but we can still stop this horror.
Indigenous leaders are urgently asking for OUR support – if people across the world show we're watching, we can ramp up the pressure on decision-makers in Brazil and abroad to halt this atrocity.
Let's show greedy companies and politicians that this global community is against the Deadly Railway.
The area of Amazon rainforest designated for this project is globally renowned for its unique and rich biodiversity. But this abundance also attracts multibillion-dollar companies and greedy politicians, who use shady methods to approve murderous projects like Ferrogrão.
All in the name of "progress".
The situation is extremely serious. Experts confirmed that if this railway gets built, the damage will be irreversible.
As a young Indigenous man from the Munduruku nation said: "We perceive these projects as a death sentence by the Government [to our people]."
We can't stand back and watch this happen – our support can literally help to save lives and one of the most important regions of the Amazon.
All it takes is one signature. We will deliver our appeal to decision makers in Brazil and abroad.
This community united several times before when our Indigenous brothers and sisters asked for our support, and we made a difference. We can't stop now.
More information
FIOCRUZ. 2 December 2020.
The Guardian. 28 July 2021.
The Guardian. 7 October 2021.
Society for Threatened Peoples.
Society for Threatened Peoples. 16 December 2020.