YouTube has been filtering out LGBTQ content under its ‘Restricted Mode’, which turns on automatically to filter “potentially inappropriate” or explicit content. But it seems to be filtering out any content discussing gay, trans or queer issues - from coming out stories to first date experiences.
Classifying LGBTQ content on its site as 'inappropriate' sends a damaging message to all YouTube users. YouTube should be a platform for enhancing diversity and freedom of expression, not one that perpetuates prejudice.
At SumOfUs, we believe that global companies like YouTube should provide services that are inclusive and supportive of all members of society - not construct features that further marginalise and silence minority groups.
Join us in calling on YouTube to stop the stereotyping and end LGBTQ disciminatory practices now!
More information
The Guardian. 20 March 2017.
Huffington Post. 20 March 2017.