Hello, I’m [Your Name], I’m a calling from [Your Citytown], and I would like to speak to you about Suncor's proposed tailings management plan you are reviewing.
Here are some things you can say:
- I am calling on you to reject Suncor's flawed tailings plan.
- Suncor, as the first company to file its plan, and the largest oil sands operator, will set the stage for how other companies' plans are evaluated, and the AER needs to ensure this and other plans are more ambitious.
- Suncor is relying on cheaper tailings technology that is unproven, more risky, and less likely to work.
- Following today's migratory bird deaths, the Alberta Energy Regulator needs to prioritize ensuring the industry sets ambitious and safe plans for cleaning up the mess.
- The Alberta Energy Regulator to uphold its mandate to protect the environment, communities and future generations -- and ensure that Canadian taxpayers won't be on the hook for billions in the future.
Thank you for your time.
- Be friendly and polite - the person picking up the phone will find it hard to ignore you if you are polite.
- Don’t feel like you have to answer any specific questions if you don’t feel comfortable.