The GOP healthcare Bill just won’t die. The latest version of Trump(doesn’t)Care will leave 22 million more Americans uninsured while cutting taxes for the top 1% by $346 billion over the next ten years.
This Bill has nothing to do with health and wellness, and everything to do with major corporate CEOs and top executives lining their pockets with the money “saved” from denying our access to lifesaving medication and treatment.
The Guardian went so far as to say if this Bill passes it will be “the largest single transfer of wealth to the rich from the middle class and poor in American history.” We need to show the Senate that we are paying attention, that we cannot be duped, and we won’t be complicit.
Will you pitch to help get Senate Republicans attention with a surprise stunt next week?
Senate Republicans are dead set on stripping away any and all responsibility the government has to take care of regular middle-class and working poor Americans like you and me. They won’t be satisfied until we are all too sick and in too much debt to care anymore that Corporate America has completely steamrolled our human rights.
This is where you come in. We’re planning something big and exciting to get the attention of Washington and remind Americans that we, the people, are the ones in control, especially when it comes to our representatives. We are demanding more from our government and showing Washington that we won’t let the U.S. turn into a corporate-controlled capitalist hellscape of the walking undead.
Will you pitch to help SumOfUs members to take on Washington?
We can’t give away too much information but with your help, we are hoping to get some big headlines, call attention to the atrocities of this new slash to healthcare and encroachment on our human rights.
Healthcare should be non-negotiable. We need our government and our communities to take collective responsibility for all of our health, wellness, and access to life-saving medication and treatment. When Americans are healthy and supported the economy thrives, income inequality lessens, and we create the conditions for generations of positive change to our overall quality of life.
That’s why we need your help. Will you pitch in to help us show Washington just how inhumane the Senate Republicans are being?
We’ll keep you updated as we go along but with your help, we can really shake things up and put the power back in the hands of the people.
SumOfUs members have been on the forefront in the fight to stop Trump and his corporate cronies. Now is the time to get this billionaire tax break disguised as a healthcare bill off the table once and for all.
More information
Whitehouse. 6 February 2014.
The Guardian. 26 June 2017.