Apr. 10th, 2019 update: Airbnb reversed its decision to remove illegal West Bank homes form its website.
Nov. 19th, 2018 update: We won! Airbnb will remove all home-sharing lists - roughly 200 - in illegal Israeli settlements built on occupied Palestinian land in the West Bank. Thank you for all those who supported the campaign.
Original petition text:
Airbnb is listing properties for rent in Israeli settlements that violate international law and occupy Palestinian land illegally.
By listing these homes, Airbnb is directly helping Israeli settlers legitimize their occupation of stolen land, contributing to a key piece of the Israeli government's decades-long policies of occupation, discrimination, and dispossession. There’s no delicate way to say this: Airbnb’s rental suites are literally built on the rubble of stolen homes, orchards and fields, and displaced communities and families.
At least 48,000 Palestinian buildings have been demolished to build homes where only Jewish Israelis are allowed to live -- and now dozens are listed on Airbnb. Leading legal scholars say Airbnb’s rentals violate the Geneva Conventions, and the International Court of Justice has condemned them.
Last year alone Airbnb made almost $1 billion in revenue, and the company is worth a whopping $24 billion. Yet, Airbnb continues to profit off the illegal settlements, collecting fees from hosts and guests. And for Airbnb users who are Palestinian, these rentals are literally and completely off-limits.
Already, our campaign is getting an amazing response--making headlines and catalyzing activists across the planet -- and Airbnb is feeling the heat.
This petition was started by CODEPINK, American Muslims for Palestine, US Palestinian Community Network,US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and Jewish Voice for Peace.
You can join the following mailings lists by going here:
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation: US Palestinian Community Network: http://uspcn.org/join-uspcn/
Jewish Voice for Peace: https://jewishvoiceforpeace.org/sign-up-sou/
American Muslims for Palestine:http://www.ampalestine.org/
More information
San Francisco Chronicle . 27 December 2016.