The Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline -- which the majority of Canadians oppose -- might be back from the dead, but we just found out it has a secret weakness: the fax machine.
Even though not a single oil company will sign a shipping contract with Enbridge -- probably because corporations know as well as we do that Canadians don’t want this pipeline -- it hasn’t given up. Enbridge has applied for an extension for Northern Gateway and the National Energy Board (NEB) is accepting public comments on its permit: but only by fax or snail mail!
Justin Trudeau has committed to an oil tanker ban and promised to cancel Northern Gateway if elected -- so SumOfUs members are going to write down what we think of big fossil fuel projects and fax it to the NEB. Imagine their faces when that archaic machine starts beeping from our messages -- and doesn’t stop.
Will you write the NEB and tell them you oppose this extension and want to see an oil tanker ban along B.C.’s northern coast?
The NEB has handed us an incredible opportunity -- we’ve never been so excited to use a fax machine. And even though we stand with the First Nations, the municipalities, the scientists and the millions of Canadians who oppose sinking more money into a long-term fossil fuel project that would put hundreds of oil tankers in the delicate and pristine Pacific coast, Trudeau’s Liberals have hinted he may approve Northern Gateway anyway.
He’s waiting to see if we’ve forgotten his election promise that “the Northern Gateway pipeline will not happen.” We haven’t forgotten, and we’re going to let the NEB know it. Over 130 First Nations, 8 out of 11 communities in the pipeline’s path, and more than two-thirds of all British Columbians have loudly said “NO!”.
Tell the NEB that it’s time to put Enbridge out of its misery: no tankers, no pipeline, no Northern Gateway!
One last thing: it’s important that we not use form letters, because they won’t be accepted. So please take the time to briefly write that you oppose Enbridge’s application for an extension, that it would violate the proposed moratorium on tanker traffic in B.C.’s northern coast and Canada’s Paris climate pact to limit global warming by 1.5 C. Plus any other new information you can think of -- check the links below for some ideas.
And just imagine the sound of that fax machine telling the NEB one line at a time that this pipeline will never, ever get built.
More information
National Observer. 17 May 2016.
Dawson Creek Mirror. 25 May 2016.
Dogwood Initiative. 10 June 2016.