Vote FOR Amazon accountability now!

Amazon makes its money by mining our personal lives, undercutting our communities, and even providing technology that helps immigration authorities track families.

Next Wednesday ordinary people are traveling far and wide to Amazon's massive shareholder event to change Amazon for good.  

Cast your vote now FOR Amazon accountability and stand with those gearing up to face down Bezos and his board.

Vote FOR Amazon accountability now!
NO TECH FOR ICE! Prohibit sales of facial recognition tech to government agencies unless they can prove it doesn’t violate civil and human rights.
STOP DELIVERING HATE! Amazon must address hate speech and the sale of offensive products on its online store.
BEZOS NEEDS A BOSS! No more excuses can be made for steamrolling over workers, vulnerable refugees, and our ailing environment.
NO MORE SEXUAL ASSAULT! Following sexual harassment claims against an Amazon exec, the corporation must strengthen its policies against sexual harassment.
COME CLEAN ON CLIMATE CHANGE! Demand that Amazon go public with its plan to respond to climate change.
CLOSE THE GENDER PAY GAP! Demand Amazon value every employee’s labor equally, regardless of gender.
MAKE AMAZON MORE SUSTAINABLE AND INCLUSIVE! Link executive pay to measures of environmental and social metrics, including company inclusion and diversity.