Right now, the US is conducting a hearing to decide whether or not to pull funding for the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), all thanks to Monsanto. In 2015, after extensive research, the IARC announced that glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto’s RoundUp, probably causes cancer.
This announcement was a huge step forward for preventing cancer and cancer-related deaths as well as protecting key pollinators, like bees, from this toxic chemical.
And it was a huge blow to Monsanto’s bottom line. That’s why Monsanto did everything in its power to discredit the science, including starting a bogus group, Campaign for Accuracy in Public Health Research (CAPHR), to spread misinformation. It’s been lobbying US lawmakers to cut funding to this vital organization and, now, the House has set up a committee to consider this dangerous move.
Removing US funding to the IARC would be a major step backward for global cancer research. The hearing is taking place right now and a decision is set to be made any day. We need to make a huge outcry so that decision makers protect funding to this vital organization.
Will you please join me in signing the petition to tell the US House Committee to protect funding for global cancer research?
Monsanto has bottomless pockets and its been using its financial might to lobby politicians to protect its profits. If its group, CAPHR, is to be believed, Monsanto and other chemical industry giants should be believed over renowned scientists in cancer research.
It’s clear that Monsanto’s campaign against the IARC is not about public health but Monsanto’s profits. It’s a dangerous move that must be stopped. The US House Committee must not bow to Monsanto’s pressure.
SumOfUs has been fighting against Monsanto’s dangerous chemical, glyphosate, for over two years -- and winning. Over 246,000 caring members like you called on key decision makers in the EU to ban glyphosate. Since then, both France and Italy have moved to phase out this dangerous chemical. We know that when we work together we can prevent pesticide giants like Monsanto from putting profits before public health.
Please join me in calling on the US House Science, Space, and Technology (SST) Committee to protect funding for the IARC.
More information
Under fire by U.S. politicians, World Health Organization defends its claim that an herbicide causes cancer
Science. 7 February 2018.
Science. 7 February 2018.
Monsanto’s Mind-Meld; Spin Machine in High Gear
Huffington Post. 1 February 2018.
Huffington Post. 1 February 2018.