US Disinfo Survey

As millions of Americans go to the polls, fake news is going into overdrive on social media - and it could sway the election.

The alarming rise of disinformation on social media sites is one of the greatest threats facing our country and society. They promise to connect us with family and friends, but serve-up white supremacists and QAnon.

We want to hear how disinformation has affected you and your family. Personal stories are incredibly powerful and will help pile pressure on Facebook and Google to act.

Take the survey to tell us what you think.

Have you or anyone you know read a news story as fact, only to find out later that it was fake?
Does misinformation affect your daily job or life?
Have you or anyone you know had an experience where they have been led to conspiracy theory videos on YouTube or conspiracy theory groups on Facebook?
Are you a parent? If so, are you worried about your kids looking at harmful content or misinformation online?
Would you be willing to talk to our team to tell your story?

Thank you for telling us your views!

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