1. Labour, climate and human rights agreements and how they’re implemented in UK law should take precedence over the trade agreement.
2. Violations of human rights, workers' rights and environmental protection should be sanctionable, and those sanctions meaningful and effective.
3. Negotiations need to happen transparently and inclusively. Text proposals as well as consolidated treaty texts need to be published to allow for public scrutiny and robust debate. Corporations must not be granted privileged access.
4. No special rights for investors. The deal should not enable US corporations to sue the UK over policy in the public interest that threatens their profits.
5. All public services must be exempt and protected from corporate takeover.
6. No race to the bottom on regulation -- all laws should be harmonised to the highest standard and should always allow a party to go beyond the levels of protections agreed upon.
More information
The Guardian. 16 January 2017.
Parliament.uk. 2 February 2017.