
Uber: pay drivers what they deserve!

Uber: pay drivers what they deserve!

130 signatures
70 signatures until 200
WANTED: drivers to work 90 hours a week for poverty wages. No holiday pay. No sick pay. No rights.  

That’s what an Uber driver job advert should say. Uber’s exploiting its workers, big time. 

But a group of drivers just took Uber to a UK court - and won! If it wasn’t clear to Uber before, it should be now: drivers everywhere deserve proper rights, sick pay, holiday pay and real wages.

Uber’s holding out hope it can keep mistreating workers across the world. But pressure’s mounting: there’s already driver protests. Uber’s been dealt a blow. Now, we just need to finish the job together. 

Let’s build a huge petition together to come crashing down on Uber bosses’ desks. Uber needs to start paying proper wages, sick pay and holiday pay.

Uber is using legal loopholes to strip drivers of their rights in different countries. It pretends drivers are self-employed contractors, not workers. It’s a con, and it’s unravelling. 

Uber’s only thinking about its bottom line. It will use all of its corporate power to resist fair wages and rights. But right now, Uber’s on the back foot. And no company is invulnerable to people power, no matter how big it is. 

Over 30,000 of us took Walmart to task for not having a proper sick pay policy. All of us just need to combine our strength again to push Uber over the brink, and get it to pay properly. 

Uber: treat drivers properly and give them the minimum wage, sick pay and holiday pay. 

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