Imagine landing your dream job, only to be forced to endure blatant sexual harassment on the very first day. One ex-Uber engineer says it happened to her.
Susan Fowler alleges that as an employee of Uber, dodging humiliating and disgusting propositions from a male peer became part of her everyday routine. Early on, she decided to report him to Uber’s HR department. Instead of receiving support, she was mocked and ignored. Fowler soon found out that Uber’s nonchalant attitude toward the negative treatment of women in its ranks was par for the course. In fact, because of it, women were leaving Uber en masse.
Did Uber CEO Travis Kalanick choose to willfully ignore this until it hit the media? Sign the petition and call on him to resign so that Uber can make an honest effort to change its culture.
After confronting leadership about the dwindling numbers of women at the tech conglomerate (down from 25% to 6%) Fowler was told plainly: women need to be better engineers. Silicon Valley’s well-publicized push to hire more women is a noble prospect, however what are they doing to welcome the women who are already there? Intimidation and discrimination has gone on too long, and we have the power to change it.
Sign the petition and demand that Uber seek new leadership. Travis Kalanick, resign immediately and let the company move forward in a more inclusive direction, now.
More information
Gizmodo. 19 February 2017.