<script> var tweets = [".@Hiltonhotels @marriott @holidayinn it’s time to come out against @NRA. What are you waiting for? #enoughisenough #neveragain","Corporations need to take a stand against the @NRA! @Hiltonhotels @marriott @holidayinn where do you stand? #marchforourlives #neveragain\n","Why are @Hiltonhotels @marriott @holidayinn still giving discounts to NRA members? #outoftouch #wtf #enoughisenough\n",".@hiltonhotels @holidayinn @marriott why so silent on the @NRA? Is it because you’re bffs? #NRAboycott #enoughisenough #neveragain\n\n","Guess who’s STILL sleeping with the @nra? @hiltonhotels @mariott @holidayinn #nrabloodonyourhands\n","#boycottnra is more important now than ever - @mariott @hiltonhotels @holidayinn where do you stand? #neveragain\n","If @delta and @united can do it why can’t @hiltonhotels @marriott & @holidayinn? It’s time to #boycottnra #marchforourlives #enoughisenough","Why are @hiltonhotels @holidayinn @marriott still showing up on the @nra’s discount program? #boycottnra\n","Still sleeping with the @nra, @hiltonhotels @holidayinn @marriott? Ew. #boycottnra\n","#enoughisenough we need corporations to cut ties with the @nra once and for all @marriott @holidayinn @hilton where do you stand? #neveragain\n","This is a turning point in our history to stand up against the @nra - @marriott @hiltonhotels @holidayinn what are you waiting for? #boycottnra",".@hiltonhotels @marriott @holidayinn if you don't cut ties with the @nra I’m cutting ties with you! #boycottnra #marchforourlives",".@hiltonhotels @marriott @holidayinn is still giving discounts to NRA members - it’s time to cut ties and say #enoughisenough TAKE A STAND and #boycottnra","The hotel industry has been silent on their relationship with the @nra for too long - if @delta and @united can do it so can @hiltonhotels @marriott @holidayinn #nrabloodonyourhands","Looks like @hiltonhotels @marriott @holidayinn haven’t gotten the message - we’re DONE with the @NRA. Stop funding the gun lobby #sickofthis #nomoreguns #enoughisenough",".@hiltonhotels @marriott @holidayinn why are you paying $$ to the @NRA to advertise on their travel site? Take a side against the gun lobby - #enoughisenough","Corporations are cutting ties with @nra and it's about time! @marriott @holidayinn @hiltonhotels which side are you on? #marchforourlives #enoughisenough #boycottnra\t\t\t\t\t","Why are @hiltenholtels @marriott @holidayinn refusing to publicly end their discount-rate relationship with @nra? @delta and @enterprise already did it, why can't you? #enoughisenough #neveragain \t\t\t\t\t","I won't be staying at @hilton @holidayinn @marriott until they end their discount-rates for @NRA -- why are these hotels still pouring money into the gun lobby? #boycottnra\t\t\t\t\t","Guess what @hiltonhotels @marriott @holidayinn? We know you're giving discounts to @NRA members and helping to fund the gun lobby and we've had #enough - pick a side!\t\t\t\t\t","I won't be staying at @hiltonhotels @marriott or @holidayinn anytime soon until they stop colluding with the @nra - it's time to pick a side! #marchforourlives\t\t\t\t\t","Why won't @hiltonhotels @marriott or @holidayinn follow the lead of @delta & @enterprise and break up with @nra? You can't hide your allegiances much longer! #enoughisenough\t\t\t\t\t","Corporations are colluding with the @nra and hiding their allegiances @hiltonhotels @holidayinn @marriott we call BS - break up with the gun lobby! #boycottnra #neveragain","Listen to your customers @hiltonhotels @holidayinn @marriott!! Your allegiances matter, stop colluding with @nra and end your discount rates for nra members now! #wecallbs #enoughisenough",".@hiltonhotels @holidayinn @marriott are STILL in bed with @nra and paying to have their hotels listed with special discounts to NRA members - its time to pick a side and come out against the gun lobby. We need a change in this country! #marchforourlives",".@hiltonhotels @holidayinn @marriott why are you cooperating with the @NRA? It's time to pick a side and show your customers you care #boycottnra #enoughisenough",".@hiltonhotels @holidayinn @marriott why are you denying your corporate relationship with the @nra? it's time to break up with the gun lobby and pick a side #neveragain",".@hiltonhotels @marriott @holidayinn you need to take a note from @delta and cut ties with the @nra and stop paying to give discounts to nra members #overthis #wtf","To defeat the @nra and stop the gun lobby's control over our govt we need EVERYONE to be taking a side -- @hiltonhotels @marriott @holidayinn why are you still offering NRA member discounts? ","We're taking action against the @nra once and for all and we need EVERYONE with us -- @hiltonhotels @marriott @holidayinn why are you still offering NRA member discounts? Time to come out against the @nra #boycottnra ","I guess I'm not surprised @hiltonhotels @marriott @holidayinn care more about profits and corporate allegiances than our safety - time to STOP giving discounts to @nra members and funding the gun lobby, time to say #neveragain! #boycottnra",".@hiltonhotels @marriott @holidayinn while this country is demanding #guncontrolNOW why are you still colluding with @nra? Time to publicly cut ties and say #neveragain","The country is demanding #guncontrolNOW and yet corporations are still putting profits over people and colluding with the @NRA - @hiltonhotels @marriott @holidayinn it's time to cut ties with the gun lobby! If @delta can do it, so can you #boycottnra"]; </script>