The Joint Standing Committee on Treaties is accepting submissions on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Submissions close on 11th March, so we need to act now.
Please, can you take 2 minutes to make a submission against the TPP?
Here's some talking points to get you started (and remember, personalised submissions are the most powerful!)
Start by introducing yourself and tell the Committee why you are concerned about the TPP.
Here are some facts about the TPP:
- The TPP allows foreign corporations to sue our government over changes to law in Australia that affect their profits. These cases are heard in secret tribunals that have no independent judges.
- The TPP gives big pharmaceutical companies stronger monopoly rights, which will push up the prices of crucial, and potentially life-saving medicines.
- The TPP will bring a meagre 0.7% of economic growth after 15 years in Australia, as estimated by the World Bank.
- The TPP contains weak labour rights and environmental standards that are not enforceable.
- In short, the TPP's not in Australia's public interest and threatens our democracy.
Thanks for all that you do!
More information:
Treaty under consideration - Trans Pacific Partnership, Parliament of Australia
Treaty tabled on 9 February 2016, Parliament of Australia
The Trans-Pacific Partnership explained, Vox, 6 November 2015
Trans-Pacific Partnership will barely benefit Australia, says World Bank report, Sydney Morning Herald, 12 January 2016