SHOCKING NEWS: A corporate lobby group representing Facebook, Google, Netflix, Amazon, and Twitter just endorsed the awful Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal!
This is a massive betrayal of these companies' users and their stated commitment to maintaining a free and open internet.
The TPP was negotiated in secret by corporate lobbyists, but the more the public learns about it, the less popular it gets.
Since the announcement, internet companies like reddit have come out in opposition to the TPP and criticized the companies supporting it. Now we need to keep up the pressure.
It's just appalling to see companies like Facebook, Google, Netflix, Amazon, and Twitter get in bed with the TPP and attack the free and open internet that allowed them to grow in the first place.
The TPP imposes draconian new copyright rules that amount to online censorship and allow giant corporations to violate our privacy while using secret international tribunals to attack users' rights.
Of course under the TPP, it would be much more difficult for the next Facebook or Twitter to get off the ground -- which is the point. The deal is all about protecting the power of existing monopolies and screwing users and upstart competitors.
The good news is that the backlash against Google, Facebook, and the rest of these big internet companies has been loud and swift. And if we can keep up the pressure, we can get more of them to drop their support. Please, will you chip in today?
More information
Electronic Frontier Foundation. 4 April 2016.
The Hill. 30 March 2016.