The BBC is under attack. Under pressure from the government, our public service broadcaster has agreed to privatise the majority of BBC radio.
Under the terms of the new draft charter, 60% of BBC radio output will now come from private providers, a massive increase from the current 20%. That would make wealthy private interests gatekeepers for one of our most trusted information sources.
Tell Theresa May to help stop the privatisation of the BBC.
BBC radio union members unanimously said they thought the plan would negatively impact BBC radio service. Just imagine what will happen when our beloved programmes are controlled by profit-driven corporations rather than those serving the public interest.
The BBC’s new draft charter has been adopted following massive pressure from conservative interests that claim the public service broadcaster has a “left-wing bias.” But extensive academic studies show that's plain wrong. It's just a cover story for privatisation.
We need to come together now to stop the corporate takeover of one of our most trusted information sources. Countless Brits rely on the BBC to be informed, engaged citizens. Privatisation would make the BBC a force for wealthy enterprises, not the people’s interest.
More information
The Canary. 4 November 2016.
The Guardian. 6 November 2016.
Financial Times. 7 November 2016.