Five of the six most senior new cabinet ministers appointed by Theresa May have links to private healthcare companies.
Theresa May has started putting together the team that will define the policies her government pursues. And it’s terrifying.
Five of the most senior cabinet ministers she has appointed have links to private healthcare firms.
Theresa May has been saying soothing words since becoming Prime Minister. As she forms her new government and sketches out her plans, we have a unique opportunity to make it clear to her we’ve had enough of the corporate takeover of the NHS.
We urgently need to get our new PM to commit to protecting the NHS from this dangerous corporate takeover before her anti-NHS ministers get their way.
Theresa May: Stop the corporate takeover of our NHS.
As soon as May became Prime Minister, she promised voters: “The government I lead will be driven not by the interests of the privileged few but by yours.”
But May’s voting history shows she is not exactly a champion for justice. And when it comes to the NHS, Theresa May consistently voted for the Health and Social Care Bill, which opened our NHS up to private interests on an unprecedented scale.
Now May has appointed a cabinet that’s packed to the gunnels with private healthcare interests.
Defence secretary Michael Fallon is the former director of a Swedish private healthcare company.
International trade secretary Liam Fox, who has called for cuts to the “wasteful NHS”, was funded by a company that owns pharma company Cyprotex.
The new chancellor, Philip Hammond, is a beneficiary of a trust that owns a controlling interest in healthcare developer Castlemead.
Home secretary Amber Rudd was funded by a hedge fund baron who is a major investor in healthcare firms.
David Davis, Brexit secretary, has been paid thousands in speaking fees for private health insurance company Aviva.
When David Cameron sold off a massive chunk of our NHS and handed £780 million over to private firms with strong links to the Tory Party, hundreds of thousands of us stepped up. Now the NHS is in danger again, and we need to step up again to make sure we keep our right to free and universal healthcare.
Sign this petition to Theresa May demanding she end the corporate NHS sell-off.
More information
Unite. Liquid error: argument out of range.
BBC. 14 July 2016.