Theresa May

Theresa May: don’t kill green energy

Theresa May: don’t kill green energy

225 signatures
75 signatures until 300
Theresa May just pushed ahead with a new nuclear power station at Hinkley point -- while making huge cuts to green energy.

The government starting scrapping renewable energy subsidies last year and used the cover of the Brexit vote to quietly cut even more. It means job losses, more expensive energy bills and a country addicted to dirty, polluting power sources.

Subsidies were working. Solar energy exploded in the UK over the last few years, and just recently it even overtook coal. We were headed in the right direction. But just as she should be helping it grow more, Theresa May is happy to kill the industry off.

Help expose Theresa May’s hypocrisy in pushing forward with nuclear while cutting aid to green and renewable energy by signing our petition here.

Subsidy cuts are already causing damage. Two big green energy companies have collapsed and half the jobs in the solar industry have been lost in the last year. Now the government are slashing further -- even state schools doing the right thing by using solar power are facing tax hikes.

But it’s not too late. The UK’s green and renewable industry hasn’t gone yet. It’ll bounce back quick if we just reverse these cuts.

We know David Cameron wanted to “get rid of all the green crap”, but Theresa May has only just become Prime Minister. She’s got a chance to rethink the government’s whole approach. With her taking a hit on Hinkley, she’ll be keen to prove her green credentials.

But first we need to cause a grassroots outcry.

Tell Theresa May to support renewables by reversing cuts to vital subsidies.

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