Thank you for calling Kroger - you're a bee-saver!
You should receive a call on your phone any second now. Once you pick up, you will first hear a short message from us and then be connected to the target.
After the call, can you let us know how it went? You can leave a message below.
You should receive a call on your phone any second now. Once you pick up, you will first hear a short message from us and then get connected to a the office of :target_name:, :target_title:.
After the call, can you let us know how it went? You can leave a message below.
Here is an example of a message you can leave with the office of the Senior Director, Corporate Affairs at Kroger (or you can just wing it!):
Hello, I’m [Your Name], from [City, State].
I’m calling to urge Kroger to commit to a pollinator protection policy that bans bee-killing pesticides across the entire supply chain.
Bees and other pollinators are vital to our ecosystem and the future of our food security. As the world's largest supermarket chain, Kroger should be leading the way in banning harmful pesticides.
Thank you for your time.
Be friendly and polite - the person picking up the phone will find it hard to ignore you if you are polite.
Don’t feel like you have to answer any specific questions or give any personal information if you don’t feel comfortable.
What if they ask who asked me to call?
Tell the person that you’re a member of a global organisation called SumOfUs, which runs campaigns to keep corporations accountable. Tell them you’re calling as someone who is concerned about bee die-off due to neonics.
What if I’m not connected?
The line may be busy - sorry about that. Please do try calling again during office hours.