Tesla has been praised for groundbreaking innovations in the auto industry due to their environmentally friendly electronic cars.
But, they are still in the dark ages when it comes to labor rights for the workers who assemble the vehicles.
One Tesla employee in California describes six out of eight workers on his team being out on medical leave at the same time due to unsafe conditions on the job. At wages well below the industry standard, already overworked staff are often forced to toil through excessive mandatory overtime. Workers have voiced their concerns and want to move toward unionizing, but Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk has refused.
Sign the petition and ask Elon Musk to allow apply ethical standards to not only his cars but his employees, too. Allow Tesla workers to unionize for a safer work environment and a living wage.
Musk doesn’t plan to go out without a fight. He’s accused employees who have spoken to the media of being “paid agitators” and even forced staff to sign confidentiality agreements to ensure that they will face legal action if they speak out. The culture of fear that he has created is prevailing. Afraid of the consequences, most workers won’t dare complain if they are injured on the job. Tesla workers deserve better.
Sign the petition and ask Tesla's CEO to improve labor conditions at Tesla plants and allow workers to unionize, now.
More information
Medium. 9 February 2017.
Vice. 11 February 2017.