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Boris Johnson is about to push through a new social media law that will let the rich and powerful spread hate and lies to millions -- even content that's directed at children.
Social media companies will have to act when ordinary people break the rules, while politicians and media tycoons will have no accountability. It’s Partygate all over again – one rule for them and another for us.
But people across the UK are fighting back, demanding a fair internet where everyone is treated equally. Parliament is debating the bill next week. Will you join the fightback and write to your MP now?
Your email will be most powerful if you say why you care about this in your own words. You could ask them to:
- Oppose the media exemption, exceptions for journalistic content and special rules that give them more rights online than ordinary people. The bill must protect free speech by ensuring all users are treated equally, regardless of their wealth or status.
- Back calls to bring ‘surveillance’ ads into the scope of the bill. These are the creepy ads that target you constantly, based on all sorts of personal data collected by the tech platforms.
- Back calls to introduce safeguards against executive overreach. As it’s written, the bill gives Nadine Dorries vast powers over what can be said online.
Remember to introduce yourself as one of their constituents and include your address and postcode.
You could also Tweet your MP -- just tag them in the tweet to make sure they see it!