Tell your representative to OPPOSE the NRA-backed gun silencer bill

Tell your representative to OPPOSE the NRA-backed gun silencer bill

As the U.S. is left reeling after the devastating mass shooting in Las Vegas on Sunday night, Congress is making moves for gun silencers to be easier and more affordable to purchase.

The NRA-backed “Sportsmen Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act,” or SHARE Act is currently live in Congress and must be stopped.

Inside the bill is a provision that makes it easier and more affordable to purchase a silencer. 
Currently, under the 1934 National Firearms Act, silencers are appropriately put in the same wait-time category as machine guns or explosives which is longer than handguns or other weapons. The SHARE Act is proposing this categorization be changed so that silencers, the technology that stops a gun from making a loud popping sound, aren't put under the same scrutiny.

This Bill is a deadly giveaway to the gun lobby and must be stopped. 

Make a call to your representative and tell them to OPPOSE the SHARE Act and take a stand against the NRA. 

SumOfUs stands with the victims and families affected in Las Vegas - please consider donating by clicking here

Here is an example of how a conversation could start (or you can just wing it!):

    Hello, I’m [Your Name], I’m calling from [Your State], and I would like to speak to you about opposing the SHARE Act. 

    1) The provision in the SHARE Act that makes gun silencers more accessible and more affordable could be deadly. 

    2) The United States needs MORE gun control, not less. 

    3) Please OPPOSE the SHARE Act and do everything in your power to create stricter gun control laws.

    Thank you for your time. 


    • Be friendly and polite - the person picking up the phone will find it hard to ignore you if you are polite. 
    • Don’t feel like you have to answer any specific questions if you don’t feel comfortable.


      Do I have to be an expert on gun control to call and express my concerns?

      Not at all! We have experienced enough horror at the hands of gun violence in this country - it's high time to take a stand. 

      What if I’m not connected? 

      The line may be busy - sorry about that. Please try calling again during office hours.