Tell your fund manager to vote FOR our proposal calling for our shareholder resolution calling on Dollarama to report on its responses to risks like the exposure of children to toxic toys.

Tell your fund manager to vote FOR our proposal calling for our shareholder resolution calling on Dollarama to report on its responses to risks like the exposure of children to toxic toys.

This tool should only take a few minutes to use. Choose your country of residence, find your fund and we'll automatically email your fund manager asking them to vote for our resolution calling on Dollarama to commit to issue an annual report on its  an annual sustainability report describing the company’s short- and long-term responses to environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities to ensure customers aren't exposed to toxic toys.

Dollarama needs to take action to ensure it’s doing its share to protect our health, environment and its workers.

We've written in a few talking points but these letters are more impactful when you write it in your own words.

To find your fund, type in the first few letters in the box below. (CPP and Caisse is now on the top).