Tell insurance execs: No more new fossil fuels this holiday season!

Tell insurance execs: No more new fossil fuels this holiday season!

'Tis the season to take on the world’s biggest fossil fuel insurers and support mothers around the world!

In the midst of this climate crisis, CEOs of top insurance companies are still choosing to ensure dangerous fossil fuels projects - devastating communities, our ecosystems and fueling the climate emergency.

That’s why this Christmas, a group of determined mothers from climate group Mothers Rise Up are sending badly behaved CEOs a special gift. Tomorrow, these execs will be opening their letter boxes to find witty personalized Christmas socks asking them: “Pull your socks up” and stop ensuring dangerous fossil fuel expansion. 

Let's amplify this powerful action and make sure these CEOs really get the message.

Send an email to these CEOs to remind them: Give all kids and our planet a fighting chance, stop insuring new fossil fuels.

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