We've just found out that our NHS has handed 1.6 million confidential patient records over to Google.
You and I have a right to know our data is being kept safe -- especially when it's our medical records.
For now, Google and the NHS assure us the patient data is confidential, but there has been a real lack of transparency on what's being done.
We're being opted into these NHS schemes without our knowledge.
Tell the NHS: protect our confidential patient data.
This isn't the first time the NHS has let our privacy slide by the wayside.
Over 250,000 SumOfUs members stood up to the government's plans to sell our data to private companies from the NHS’s new universal patient database -- including everything from mental health conditions, sexually transmitted infections and diseases like cancer -- all linked to your postcode, gender and ethnicity.
And it doesn’t really get more personal than what you discuss with your doctor. They know the most personal things about us -- like whether we’ve ever been depressed, had an embarrassing infection or struggled with drug & alcohol problems.
Google has already been accused of filtering through our messages and selling data to advertisers.
The last thing we need is for the tech giant to have access to our private medical records too.
Will you join me today and speak out?
More information
The Independent. 4 May 2016.