The government is asking for our views on whether we should pay up front to help fund the building of new nuclear power stations. We’ve got until 14 October 2019 to tell them what we think.
Use the form below to send your email. The more personal your email is, the more impact it will have. So it’s especially good to mention if you live near a proposed new nuclear reactor -- or one that is in the process of being built. Do you choose to buy your electricity from renewable sources like wind, wave and solar to support those industries? Mention that too!
After you hit send, an email from your address will be sent to Electricity and RAB Strategy Team at the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.
Here are some talking points to help get you started:
- Consumers shouldn’t provide corporate subsidies. Nuclear used to boast that it was subsidy free, so this is a complete u-turn.
- Consumers and taxpayers shouldn’t be left to pick up the tab in case of overruns and problems, which with new nuclear are often of epic proportions.
- The current generation of nuclear reactors have enormous problems -- look at the problems at EDF’s Hinkley and Flamanville. Both are over-budget and delayed.
- There is little experience in using this type of funding model for projects as risky and complex as nuclear.
- Consumers may end up paying for nuclear projects that are never completed.
- The cost of offshore wind is plummeting; down to around £40 per megawatt/hr -- a fraction of the cost of Hinkley Point.
- The energy market is supposed to offer choice for the consumer. Many of us choose renewable energy sources to support energy systems that are better for us all.
- To be denied the choice whether to fund new nuclear makes a mockery of ‘letting the market decide’
- The first new nuclear site that would be funded in this way is Sizewell C, which has gained opposition because of the unprecedented impacts on the local community and serious threats to the unique environment of the Suffolk Heritage Coast, including world-famous RSPB Minsmere.