Every three days a construction worker is killed on the job in Texas. This is an unacceptable number of lives lost to preventable deaths.
Construction worker standards in Texas do not protect workers enough and advocates have been working for years to try to pressure the government to increase safety legislation for construction sites.
Hundreds of families every year are losing their loved ones on the job. No one should have to fear for their life on their job site.
Sign today to demand Texas lawmakers protect construction workers.
This is not a new problem in Texas, but it needs to stop now. We must let Governor Abbott that enough is enough. No more lives should be lost to build Texas infrastructure.
Through the efforts of concerned citizens like you, we can pressure Texas lawmakers to ensure the safety of their citizens and prevent on-the-job deaths.
By signing today you will be standing with hundreds of families and loved ones of people lost on the job, and thousands of workers that fear for their lives everyday.
Please join me in letting Governor Abbott know that construction workers need better protection in their workplace.
More information
Spectrum News. 2 March 2017.