Breaking: Yesterday, Mitch McConnell bullied Republicans into the "motion to proceed" to open debate on Trumpcare. All but two, Senator Collins of Maine and Senator Murkowski of Alaska, shamefully acquiesced.
Now healthcare is a back up for debate and all of our Senators need to hear from us before Congress strips coverage from millions.
The fifty Republican Senators who advanced the debate need to face MAXIMUM BLOWBACK for making moves to strip up to 32 million Americans of their health insurance. Democratic Senators also have a job to do. We need to fight back and fight back hard by filing as many amendments as possible to slow this process down.
Last week tens of thousands of SumOfUs members came forward and signed on to demand the GOP’s health care bill be stopped. SumOfUs members across Maine and Alaska, took action and called Senator Susan Collins and Senator Lisa Murkowski telling them to hold strong against Trumpcare and they did.
Now it’s time to double down and make sure all Senators hear from the people they represent and don’t make the catastrophic decision to leave millions uninsured. We’re taking a stand together and letting our representatives know that they work for us, not just for billionaire CEOs.
The best times to call are between 9.00 - 17.30 EST.
Here is an example of how a conversation could start (or you can just wing it!):
Hello, I’m [Your Name], I’m calling from [Your State], and I would like to speak to you about repealing the Affordable Care Act.
There are lots of reasons you need to oppose it, here are just a few.
1) Repealing the Affordable Care Act could leave up to 32 million Americans uninsured. I expect you to do everything in your power to stop the repeal of the ACA and to vote "no" on every version of the repeal bill.
2) When Americans are healthy and have access to the medications and life-saving treatments they need, the economy benefits.
3) The U.S. is the only very developed economy without universal healthcare. We should be moving forward and providing life-saving services to all Americans, not backward.
Thank you for your time.
- Be friendly and polite - the person picking up the phone will find it hard to ignore you if you are polite.
- Don’t feel like you have to answer any specific questions if you don’t feel comfortable.
Do I have to be an expert on healthcare to call and express my concerns?
No! Everyone has a story of healthcare. Our representatives care what you think.
What if I’m not connected?
The line may be busy - sorry about that. Please try calling again during office hours.
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