At Kroger’s annual general meeting last week, there was an elephant in the room: the 150,000 signatures we delivered from SumOfUs members like you, demanding Kroger take steps to ditch foods grown with bee-killing neonics from its shelves.
Kroger executives might have been expecting our petition delivery. But they won’t expect what’s coming next: a massive email action to flood Kroger leadership’s inboxes with calls to save the bees—straight from members like you.
We know Kroger is slow to change—which is why they’ve lagged behind competitors like Lowe’s, Walmart, True Value and Home Depot, which have all agreed to stop the sale of neonic in their stores and protect the bees. That’s why we need to keep up the pressure and build the momentum it takes to hold Kroger accountable to its impact on the bees.
Use our email tool to send your call to save the bees straight to the inbox of Kroger’s top executives.