Big news: You helped push Citigroup to stop investing in mining companies that are dumping toxic mining waste directly into our waters, destroying pristine ecosystems, decimating fish populations and poisoning communities.
Now we're targeting JPMorgan Chase, one of the largest investment banks in the world. Partnering again with Earthworks and the Ditch Ocean Dumping coalition, we're demanding it pulls investment from dirty mining companies.
JPMorgan Chase needs to know that such irresponsible investment isn’t ok. A huge backlash now will send a strong message to JPMorgan Chase and pressure it to pull investment from these destructive mining corporations.
Join me in signing the petition to tell JPMorgan Chase to stop investing in mines that dump toxic tailings in the oceans.
Several of the worst offending mines are polluting the beautiful coastal waters and coral reef ecosystems of Papua New Guinea where lives and livelihoods are threatened by these toxic tailings. For too long, this practice has continued with impunity.
Despite the devastating consequences, and one of its major competitors, Citigroup, ditching ocean dumping, JPMorgan Chase continues to support the mining corporations that dump millions of tonnes of mining waste directly into the ocean. This is an appalling investment in irreversible destruction.
JPMorgan Chase is a massive investment bank that had close to 100 billion dollars of revenue last year. It is backing five companies that dump - or are planning to dump - more than 778 million tonnes of toxic mine waste into the ocean in Papua New Guinea, Norway, and Turkey.
This mining waste doesn’t disappear when it’s dumped in the ocean. The chemical soup which can contain mercury, arsenic, lead, and over three dozen other chemicals, persists in the water, smothering aquatic wildlife and poisoning water where communities swim, fish and bathe. No one should be profiting off such destruction.
Tell JPMorgan Chase to stop funding mines that dump toxic tailings in the oceans.
For years, SumOfUs has been pushing companies in Canada’s tar sands to clean up their tailings mess. 50,000 of us called on Suncor to ban waste water dumping, and together, we forced the largest tar sands company to begin disclosing its lobbying against responsible tailings management.
And time and time again, we’ve partnered with incredible organizations to take on global mining giants like Newmont to stop their dangerous projects from devastating communities and the planet.
More information
Mongabay. 12 June 2018.