Donald Trump is sweeping the primaries.
It’s now more likely than ever that Trump will secure the Republican nomination. And what's worse is that corporations like Google are co-signing Trump’s hateful rhetoric by planning to sponsor his coronation at the Republican National Convention.
We stopped Coke from giving any more money to further Trump’s prejudice. Now it’s time to turn our sights to Google.
Tell Google: Don’t be evil-- it’s time to pick a side. Pull your sponsorship of the Republican National Convention.
Last month's win on Coke:
After a public backlash including 91,000 SumOfUs members, Coca-Cola slashed its funding to the Republican National Convention.
It’s a massive victory that sent a stark message to every corporation contemplating sponsorship of a Trump-led convention: supporting Donald Trump’s platform for hate will not go unnoticed.
Just goes to show that when committed people like us come together to hold corporations accountable, we win.
Thanks for all you do,
Taren, Rosa, Nicole, Angus, and the rest of the team at SumOfUs
More information:
Coca-Cola Divests Significant Support From Republican National Convention, The Root, March 30th
More information
New York Times. 30 March 2016.
The Verge. 13 April 2012.