When just ten meters of sea level rise would displace 760 million people across the world, we’re not exaggerating when we say that real climate action is literally a matter of life and death.
Yet while global brands like Energizer tout their “commitment to sustainability,” the dangerous reality is that many corporations are massively underreporting their carbon footprints. How are they getting away with it? By ignoring carbon emissions hidden in their supply chains -- from raw material extraction to packaging and transportation.
Energizer touts “do the right thing” as its environmental mantra, but we want to know if Energizer will prove its doing more than just greenwashing by addressing carbon emissions in its supply chain. In a do or die fight against irreversible climate change, we need brands like Energizer to be transparent about their supply chains in order to reduce their carbon footprint.
Tell Energizer to step up in the fight against climate change and commit to reducing its supply chain emissions.
Companies -- and governments -- can’t accurately track their environmental impact when massive emissions from supplying manufacturers or distributors in faraway countries go unreported. These supply chain emissions can often make up the majority of a corporation’s carbon footprint. When Kraft investigated its supply chain, it found that it was responsible for a whopping 90 percent of the company’s total emissions.
We can’t overstate the threat of climate change. New studies are warning that unfettered warming would easily put coastal cities like Miami in the United States permanently underwater. And while world leaders in Paris last year committed to unprecedented decreases in global carbon emissions, we can’t hit those targets unless companies like Energizer account for the full impact of their supply chains.
Energizer has taken proactive steps to address its carbon footprint in the past, like when it announced a new rechargeable battery containing 4 percent recycled content earlier this year. But now, we need to call on Energizer to do more in the fight against climate change by accounting for carbon emissions in its supply chain. The world is waiting.
Energizer: commit to reducing carbon emissions in your supply chain!