Pfizer and other big pharmaceutical corporations are fueling the rise of drug-resistant superbugs that could kill millions.
That's the revelation of a new SumOfUs report and months of behind-the-scenes digging into big pharma's murky supply chain. The report shows that Pfizer is putting its profits ahead of our health, by
buying cheap antibiotics from dangerous factories in China with a string of serious environmental and safety violations.
These factories are
dumping raw antibiotic waste straight into rivers and waterways, creating the perfect breeding ground for antibiotic-resistant superbugs. As these superbugs spread globally, the World Health Organization is already sounding the alarm. The UK's Chief Medical Officer has called antibiotic resistance a "catastrophic threat" that could set modern health care back 200 years, and kill millions globally.
And now we know, for the first time, that big pharma companies like Pfizer are behind this health disaster.
Corporate profits will always trump our health, unless we can expose this scandal and force them to change.
Sign the petition to demand that Pfizer stops buying antibiotics from polluting factories driving the rise of killer superbugs.
Antibiotic resistant superbugs are one of the greatest health threats facing the world today. Experts saying
these bugs could kill 10 million people every year by 2050. Their spread means that infectious diseases like gonorrhoea and pneumonia could become untreatable, and we could return to an era when a simple cut could kill.
Overprescription of antibiotics and widespread use in factory farms are two of the known culprits behind antibiotic resistance. But pollution generated by the massive antibiotics production industry is an overlooked hidden killer. By dumping antibiotic waste into the environment,
these factories create huge breeding grounds for superbugs. Concentrations of antibiotics in polluted waterways can be as high as in the bloodstream of someone on a full strength dose of antibiotics. And these are the factories that Pfizer, McKesson, Teva and other Western pharma giants are buying from.
This isn't just a problem for China or for Pfizer customers.
Modern air travel means that the rapid spread of infectious diseases is the new reality. Infectious superbugs that thrive in the waste dumped by these polluting factories in China quickly find their way into the bodies of children, adults and the elderly around the world, with fatal consequences.
The reason this happens is simple -- Pfizer makes more money by relying on cheap, mass-produced antibiotics without strong environmental and safety procedures in place. And until now, no one has known. If we can change that, by generating a global outcry,
we can get big pharma to stop buying from these dangerous factories.
Read the full report: