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People and planet over profit
What do you think SumOfUs should focus on in 2017?
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What do you think SumOfUs should focus on in 2017?
Challenging businesses backing the far right
Standing with vulnerable people (e.g. refugees)
Protecting the bees and our food supplies
Defending workers' rights
Fighting climate change and blocking oil and gas drilling
Clean and available water supplies
Fair trade deals
Stopping tax dodging and big mergers
Something else
What are you most concerned about when you think of next year? (select all that apply)
White nationalist groups ('alt-right') being supported by companies
People being attacked for circumstances beyond their control (e.g. refugees)
The bees dying out
Losing essential workers' rights (e.g. holidays, right to strike)
Expansion of oil and gas accelerating climate change
Water being privatised
Pro-business trade deals being signed
Big businesses and rich people dodging tax, and big companies merging to create mega-corporations
SumOfUs members join in with campaigns in lots of different ways. Which of the following do you like doing?
Signing online petitions
Sharing petitions with my friends on social media
Making a donation
Sending emails to companies or politicians
Attending an action or event in my local area with other SumOfUs members
Delivering a petition to a local branch of a business with other SumOfUs members
Taking actions on SumOfUs campaigns on my mobile phone
Using my investments or pension to influence major corporations
We've also had some ideas for new things we could try together in 2017. Which of the following would you be interested in joining in with?
Receiving text alerts about breaking campaigns
Buying SumOfUs campaign clothing or accessories (e.g. t-shirts, stickers)
Helping with investigations of companies
Taking action locally (e.g. distributing leaflets in your community)
Taking part in a protest to put pressure on a campaign target
Meeting other SumOfUs members
Organising meet-ups of SumOfUs members in my area
Leaving a donation to SumOfUs in my will
Participating in a training online to learn more about how I can join in with SumOfUs campaigns
Is there a particular company you'd like to see SumOfUs focus on with our campaigns?
How would you describe SumOfUs to someone who was thinking of getting involved?
Just a couple of questions about you – we'll keep this information strictly confidential
How old are you?
20 or under
81 or over
Would you encourage your friends or family to support SumOfUs?
Sometimes it's useful to call or text SumOfUs members. Could you leave your mobile number here to stay in touch?
Could you check all statements below that you agree with?
I believe corporations have too much power
Someone needs to stand up to big corporations
If we all act together, we can fight back for a fairer world
When nothing is holding them back, big corporations don't let anything stand in the way of more profit
Profits don't belong in schools, hospitals, and prisons
We can win against corporations because they need ordinary people like us as workers, consumers, and investors
I believe I've made a difference as a SumOfUs member
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?
Thank you so much for your time! We'll report back to you in January with the full results of the survey. Please click below to make sure your responses are counted.