StopSettlements ECI DE

StopSettlements ECI DE

This is a European Citizens Initiative to make the EU stop trading with all illegal settlements in occupied territories.

[Eoin will add widget here when pages is otherwise ready/translated.]


"Ensuring Common Commercial Policy conformity with EU Treaties and compliance with international law"


We seek to regulate commercial transactions with Occupant’s entities based or operating in occupied territories by withholding products originating from there from entering the EU market. The Commission, as Guardian of the Treaties, has to ensure consistency of Union’s policy and compliance with fundamental rights and international law in all areas of EU law, including CCP. It must propose legal acts based on the Common Commercial Policy to prevent EU legal entities from both importing products originating in illegal settlements in occupied territories and exporting to such territories, in order to preserve the integrity of the internal market and to not aid or assist the maintenance of such unlawful situations. The initiative thus invites the Commission to submit a proposal for a legal act under the Common Commercial Policy which is general in nature and does not target a specific country or territory.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a European Citizens Initiative, what is it for?

An ECI is an official instrument for democratic participation of citizens in EU policymaking. If an ECI garners one million signatures from EU citizens over 12 months, the European Commission must consider and debate the petition's demands. This ECI demands EU legislation that will outlaw trade with illegal settlements, anywhere and at all times.

Why does the EU have to stop trading with illegal settlements?

Settlements that are created and expanded by an occupying force in occupied territories violate the highest norms of international law. When occupied territory is annexed de jure or de facto, for example by means of settlements, this is against international law, and such an annexation and settlements have no legal validity. As a result, trade with such settlements is illegal.

Does this initiative call for the stopping of all trade with occupied territories?

No. This ECI calls for an end to all trade that benefits the occupant’s illegal settlements. It does not call for a trade prohibition with occupied territories since this would disallow fair trade with the peoples whose territories are being annexed or occupied.

Who is gathering signatures for this ECI?

An international coalition of NGOs, trade unions, and activists began gathering signatures for this ECI on February 20, World Day of Social Justice. You can find a list of participating organizations here.

(Counter, excluding offline signatures)