We've had enough of giant coal power stations spewing poison into the air night and day! Smog, acid rain, toxic mercury, and fine particles that embed deep in our lungs -- they're literally killing us.
Some corporations argue that the cost of reducing pollution and moving to cleaner renewables is too high. But savings for them are costs for us, as the taxpayer is left to pick up the tab. And by the end of March 2017, inaction on coal pollution cost European health services an estimated €150,000,000,000.
That’s because improved EU environmental standards that would require power plants to reduce their pollution are years behind schedule. Finally, after much delay, new standards have been agreed, but powerful lobbyists are putting pressure on our governments not to adopt them.
Tell EU Governments to protect our health and environment from the coal industry’s toxic pollution.
If we act now we can ensure that coal is forced to clean up its act. For clean air and climate action, it’s time to move beyond coal.
All the pollution-reducing techniques that would be required by the new standards have been successfully tried-and-tested at European plants, many for decades already; the only reason not to implement them now would be to save polluters money and slow the transition to sustainable and renewable energy. That’s why dirty industry has lobbied hard to delay adoption and ensure ordinary people continue to bear the burden of the cost of this deadly pollution.
Tell EU Governments to protect our health and environment from toxic pollution.
By breaking free from coal, we can fight both air pollution and climate change -- where coal is also king! Shifting to 100% clean, safe renewable energy will be a huge double win for the health of people and our planet. SumOfUs members have been part of the global fight against Big Coal from the Appalachian mountains to the Great Barrier Reef. When we come together we can stop even the greediest polluters.
This campaign is run by a group of NGOs including WeMove.EU, the European Environmental Bureau, Climate Action Network Europe, Health and Environment Alliance, WWF European Office, with the support of BUND. Let's add our voices and spread the word to demand EU action on coal now!
More information
Air Quality News. 13 April 2017.
EEB. 4 April 2017.
EEB. 11 October 2016.