The Tsilhqot'in Nation in BC has already stopped Taseko Mines attempt to get an open-pit gold mine in their traditional territory about 100km south of Williams Lake - twice.
The mining corporation has proposed an open-pit gold mine that was refused on environmental grounds in both 2010 and 2014. Now it is trying to revive the project again.
This project is obviously unfit and Taseko is wasting everyone's time and money trying to revive it. It's time the project was dropped for good.
Will you sign today and kill this project for good?
The Prosperity mine, as it is called, has been defeated twice with hard work from the Tsilhqot'in Nation and people like you. With your support they can amplify their voices and this project can end for good.
Together, we can stand with First Nations and prevent corporations from destroying their traditional territories and wasting their precious time and energy.
Will you join me in telling Taseko that this project will never fly?
Sign today and stop this destructive project!
More information
CBC. 31 January 2017.