Nestlé is at it again -- making a huge money grab by buying out a successful Canadian vitamin maker - Atrium Innovations. Atrium owns over 10 popular vitamin and supplement brands and now all these will be owned by Nestlé - one of the largest, and worst, food corporations on Earth.
Nestlé has a horrible corporate track record: from child slave labour on its chocolate plantations, to destroying rainforests for palm oil, to profiteering off our precious water Nestlé has proven time and again that profits are all that matter. Do we really want to put more money in the pockets such an awful corporation?
We can stop Nestlé from this corporate takeover if we act now. The deal doesn’t close until early 2018 so there is still time for Atrium to pull out and prevent billions of dollars from falling into Nestlé’s hands.
Will you please join me in signing the petition to stop Nestlé’s corporate monopoly?
Nestlé is one of ten corporations that control the vast majority of our food supply, raking in a whopping $90.6 billion in 2016. Atrium’s sales are expected to hit $700 million this year meaning this buy-out will lead to billions more money in Nestlé’s coffers.
Atrium makes big claims about being an ethical, environmentally-conscious company, working hard to make sustainable products. However, Nestlé has proven time and again that its biggest motivator is profit. Nestlé has offered Atrium $2.3 billion in the buy-out. It’s time to tell Atrium to put ethics ahead of profits and say no to the buy-out.
SumOfUs has worked to stop corporate monopolies. Over 730,000 caring members like you have called on the EU Commissioner to stop a major merger between Bayer and Monsanto and donated thousands of dollars to fight the merger in court. We know that together, we can prevent a handful of corporations from controlling the majority of the world’s money.
Please join me in signing the petition to stop Nestlé’s corporate monopoly.
More information
The Independent. 4 April 2017.
Financial Post. 5 December 2017.