UPDATE 17 December 2019: Together, our coalition successfully pushed EU-leaders to stand up to corporate lobbies. They agreed on a strict law that makes sure green investments will truly be green in the future! We will need to make sure that the EU implements scientific criteria. But for now this is an important win for our planet -- and for more than 120 000 people from all over the world who made this possible. We couldn’t have done this without you -- thank you!
There is only one way to change the world’s economy and save our planet: we need to clean-up finance. We must stop the big polluters of this planet from absorbing all our money.
More wealth than the US, Germany, UK and France combined produce in a year are being managed in so-called "green funds". But many of these so-called "green" funds are anything but green. Money-hungry investors label multinationals of fossil fuels, polluting transport, nuclear power, intensive agriculture and pesticides as "green". How is this possible? That’s because, currently, fund managers are at absolute liberty to define what is "sustainable". It’s like letting the fox guard the hen house. The money going into these "fake green" investments could instead be used to transform our economy into a fair and clean one.
The European Union is trying to make this happen: it is finally approving a new law to determine what is truly "green" and oblige banks to declare if they match these new science-based criteria. Sadly, an army of lobbyists is trying to sabotage the law, weakening its criteria and postponing its adoption date. Some of Europe's largest NGOs have written and signed an appeal to Ministers and Parliamentarians to stop the lobbies and end financial greenwashing. But we need your signature too!
Join the fight against the lobbies of "fake green".
Sign our letter, your letter, now.
More information
European Commission. 10 October 2019.
Financial Times. 13 May 2019.