Stop EDF's planning application for Sizewell C!

Stop EDF's planning application for Sizewell C!

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Energy Company EDF has submitted an application for a Development Consent Order to build two new nuclear reactors at Sizewell on the Suffolk Heritage Coast. This will sever the beautiful and peaceful Suffolk Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in half during the decade or more the two reactors will take to build.

The Planning Inspectorate will need to decide by 24 June whether to accept EDF’s Sizewell application. Write now -- we've made it really easy to do just click on this link -- but remember to add a subject line, don't forget to add your name, and personalise the email if you can!

Sizewell C is not the answer to our climate emergency. It will be too slow and expensive, and divert vital investment in renewables and new technologies. There is no solution to the problem of nuclear waste. The impact on local communities, businesses and visitors, and the threat to the natural environment - including world-renowned RSPB Minsmere and the fragile coastline - will be huge. EDF has not properly consulted people about its project. Suffolk MP Dan Poulter described EDF’s behaviour as “disdainful” with the lack of detail provided. 

Help us raise a storm of protest and tell the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) not to accept this application because EDF has failed to provide enough information to properly consult people.

Send an email to PINS which will be copied to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial StrategyWe have drafted a message -- just click here to see it, but please do personalise it if you can -- and think of your own subject line as well as adding your name.

Your email will be sent to the Planning Inspectorate at and copied to both BEIS and EDF

With thanks from Stop Sizewell C. Should the Planning Inspectorate accept the application, there will be at least 12 months of examination. Join our mailing list and we will keep you informed of the progress of our campaign and ways in which you can help at