It's time to tell the government exactly what you think. They’re asking for your views on Dominic Cummings’s war on our planning system.
You’ve already done so much to stop this plan -- you’ve signed petitions, emailed MPs, and even donated to a Judicial Review. Now, Boris Johnson’s cronies are on the defensive -- his own party recently staged a revolt against the changes in parliament. You could add to that chorus of disapproval so that it becomes a roar Johnson & Cummings can’t ignore.
The government’s ‘Planning for the Future’ consultation closes 11:45pm on 29 October 2020 -- and we need to make sure they hear from ordinary people, not just property developers.
- Scroll down to the 'Compose your email' section further down this page
- Add your own subject line
- Write your email in the blank box:
- State clearly whether you object to the proposals put forward in the White Paper
- Write in your own words why this is important to you. Your submission is much more likely to be accepted if it's in your own words
- Choose which email client you use (if you don't know - click 'Manual')
- You'll be redirected to your email client, and your email will appear as a draft
- Hit send!
Alternatively, you can complete the full online survey on the government website here. It doesn't matter which you choose, both will be counted as a submission.
If you'd like more information to draft your submission, here are some useful articles:
- ‘Planning for the Future’ white paper. UK Government. 1 August 2020.
- Government’s ‘pitiful’ planning reforms ‘will cost Britain decades in fighting climate change’. The Independent. 6 August 2020.
- England's planning changes will create 'generation of slums'. The Guardian. 5 August 2020.
- Tory planning reforms ‘could kill off affordable housing’. The Guardian. 9 August 2020.
- 'It's like an open prison’: the catastrophe of converting office blocks to homes. The Guardian. 27 September 2020.