Standard Chartered, a massive international bank headquartered in the UK, could help bankroll the destruction of our treasured Great Barrier Reef.
The Great Barrier Reef is a World Heritage protected site. It's one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world, and is the home for thousands of breathtaking marine creatures like turtles, clown fish, and stingrays.
But the survival of the Reef is under threat. Energy giant Adani wants to open up new coal mines and that means exporting more coal right through the heart of the Reef.
Standard Chartered has already loaned hundred of millions of dollars to Adani and is poised to organise finance for the project.
But there's so much momentum in our favour -- already a whopping 11 European and Wall Street banks have publicly ruled out involvement. Standard Chartered has already said it's reviewing its role in this Reef-wrecking disaster, and we could make the bank pull out for good if we can generate enough public pressure now.
Will you join us? Tell UK bank Standard Chartered to cut its ties with coal projects that threaten the Great Barrier Reef now.
The project involves opening up new coal mines like the Carmichael mine in the Galilee Basin, which would be the largest mine in Australia, and one of the largest in the world. We would see more coal export infrastructure like ports and railways built, and ultimately more coal shipped through the Reef.
Australia's coal exports would massively increase, we'd send global emissions through the roof, and unleash a devastating ticking carbon bomb.
But it's not too late to stop this.
Over the past year or so, SumOfUs has been keeping up the pressure in Australia, working with as part of a global coalition to stop companies from trampling all over our Reef just for corporate profits. Almost 50,000 Australian SumOfUs members have called on the Big 4 Banks in Australia to publicly announce that they won't invest in Adani's project. More than 1,000 of us donated to get a full page up and running in The Australian echoing this message. And so far, no one's dared dip their finger in the project yet.
Our work isn't done. To sink this project once and for all, we need to make sure that major global banks like Standard Chartered also don't fund this Reef-wrecking disaster. Big international banks have balked at funding Adani before, and we can make it happen again.
We can't do it without hundreds of thousands of us standing together to create a big, powerful outcry. Will you be a part of the movement to protect our sacred Great Barrier Reef?
Tell Standard Chartered to pull out of this Reef-wrecking project now.
More information:
Standard Chartered faces pressure to cut links to Australian 'carbon bomb' project, The Guardian, 5 May 2015
Standard Chartered vows to review role in Australian coal mine project, The Guardian, 6 May 2015