Wow: Rupert Murdoch’s tabloid The Daily Telegraph just suggested that being gay is unhealthy.
In a story covering the supposed health crisis faced by young people, the paper included a statistic on the number of LGBTIQ high school students in Australia in an infographic -- essentially equating being gay or lesbian with obesity and drug taking.
This is disgusting: it’s blatant homophobia and we can’t let The Daily Tele get away with it.
This is not ok. Add your voice to demand that The Daily Telegraph apologise properly for this homophobia now.
The Daily Tele issued a ‘non-apology’, essentially saying that angry readers have been misinterpreting the article.
But the message from the article is crystal clear: that The Daily Tele thinks that being gay, lesbian, or bisexual is a "health concern" and that "young Aussies only have themselves to blame".
We need your help to condemn this dangerous message -- LGBTIQ youth in Australia are five times more likely to attempt suicide than their peers, largely because of bullying and discrimination.
The SumOfUs community has come together on LGBTIQ issues before: after the death of a trans school teacher -- Lucy Meadows -- in the UK, 200,000 SumOfUs members signed a petition asking British tabloid, the Daily Mail, to sack the columnist who claimed that Meadows was unfit to be a teacher because she was trans.
Let’s make sure we do the same in Australia.
Demand that the Daily Telegraph apologise now. Help keep LGBTIQ youth safe from harmful messages like this.
More information
The Daily Telegraph Facebook page. 12 July 2017.
Junkee. 12 July 2017.