Update: Hood River, Oregon just took on Nestlé and won.
Tuesday, with your support, Hood River residents passed a measure to ban Nestlé from exporting 118 million gallons of water a year from their region. The ballot measure is a precedent setting initiative that will prevent all future commercial bottling of water in area.
It's a true David and Goliath victory and was made possible, in part, by your support.
Share the graphic below to spread the good news!
BREAKING: Nestlé just got access to a small Maine town’s water supply for at least the next 25 years.
TOMORROW, it could win the right to do the same in Hood River, Oregon.
But the the citizens of Hood River County are fighting back. They introduced a last-ditch ballot measure to stop Nestlé from operating in their town -- permanently. And they are voting on it tomorrow.
Don't let what happened in Maine happen in Oregon. Stand up against Nestlé in Hood River!
This vote will decide whether corporations or people should have first rights to water in Hood River County, and could signal a turn of the tide that could stop Nestlé in its tracks.
Over 250,000 SumOfUs members have already said no to Nestle’s plan in Cascade Locks in Hood River. Under this plan Nestlé will only pay $2.25 per 1,000 gallons of water -- and then it will turn around and sell the same water back to the public for $2.63 per gallon -- in plastic bottles that are often never recycled.
People power is making a difference: the only reason the people of Hood River even have a chance to vote to stop Nestlé from tapping their water is because regular people like us stood up together and said no to a $250-billion monster. Now we have to stand with the people of Oregon once more.
On May 17, we need to make sure that people power can beat profits when it really matters. Say no to Nestlé in Hood River!
We’ve been fighting Nestlé as long as we’ve been fighting corporate power. Last year we were able to get the government of British Columbia to look into raising Nestlé’s commercial water rate. And just a few weeks ago thousands of SumOfUs members sent comments to the US Forest Service urging it to shut down Nestlé in California, and thoroughly investigate the impact of Nestlé’s operation in San Bernardino before renewing the multinational's long-expired permit. Now we need to back the people of Oregon in protecting their water.
Let's make sure Nestlé feels the power of our movement.
Stand with Hood River County against Nestlé!
More information
Bangor Daily News. 13 May 2016.
The Bulletin. 13 May 2016.