An award-winning bee scientist is being harassed by the U.S. government in retaliation for his research linking bee die-offs to bee-killing pesticides. Will you chip in to stand with him against the censorship of science?
Jonathan Lundgren was an award-winning scientist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) when he began publishing data linking bee and butterfly die-offs to bee-killing pesticides.
That’s when the trouble began. First the government tried to gag him from speaking publicly about his findings. When he refused, they suspended and then fired him.
Now he’s attempting to continue his research in the private sector, and the USDA is STILL harassing him by blacklisting him from USDA-funded research grants and pressuring other scientists to not collaborate with him.
It’s time for the USDA to end their attacks on scientific freedom. Will you chip in to help SumOfUs defend Dr. Lundgren and his efforts to research what’s killing the bees?