A massive Canadian e-commerce company is helping Trump's favourite news source spread its hate -- but we can stop them.
Shopify is the multibillion dollar e-commerce running Breitbart News (AKA Trump News)' online store -- selling offensive t-shirts that tell migrant workers to “Get in line”, and boast about building a border wall, one of Trump’s key campaign policies.
These products aren't just offensive, they're giving Breitbart revenue to fund its global expansion in time for crucial 2017 elections in Europe.
But if we come together across the country now, we can force Ottawa-based Shopify to stop being complicit with this hate now.
Tell Ottawa-based Shopify to stop endorsing hate. End your relationship with Breitbart News now.
Breitbart News is not a news agency, it's a platform for the extreme far-right. It has published repulsive views on virtually any topic you can name: anti-LGBTQ+ diatribes, has called women on birth control ‘sluts’, and has said that Muslims in Europe and North America are a 'ticking time bomb.'
Breitbart is trying to move quickly into Europe, and has plans to have websites in Europe up and running this spring. But we have a way to stop them. Breitbart can only finance its expansion if companies like Shopify keep doing business with them.
Already, people power has forced over 900 corporations including Kelloggs, BMW and Visa to refuse to advertise with Breitbart News, many out of disgust over the hateful, divisive propaganda it publishes. And thanks to dedicated work from SumOfUs members and months of work by The Sleeping Giants, Breitbart's bottom line is being hurt by the sheer volume of companies pulling ads. And all of this progress is because of dedicated people power.
Already, over 435,000 SumOfUs members around the globe have called on Amazon to stop advertising for Breitbart, and our campaign is having major impact. If we come together now and help cut off Breitbart’s revenue streams, it will send a powerful message that people power trumps hate, and we could help stop Breitbart’s global expansion campaign in its tracks.
This is one incredibly powerful thing Canadians can do right now to battle the rise in racism and hatred following the U.S. election.
Ottawa-based Shopify: stop endorsing hate. End your business relationship with Breitbart News now.
More information
The Guardian. 15 November 2016.
NBC. 5 December 2016.
LA Times. 7 December 2016.
The Economist. 10 December 2016.
The Independent. 4 February 2017.
Buzzfeed. 3 February 2017.