In the battle to protect water from Nestlé, a tiny township of under 2,000 has emerged as a major hero. Osceola Township has been fighting Nestlé to prevent it from installing a pumping station that would draw 400 gallons per minute and put major strain on the local streams.
Osceola township has been bullied by Nestlé for years but they have held their ground and fought to protect their water. In the last few months, SumOfUs members like you have chipped in a whopping $50,000 USD to fund their legal battles.
As you can imagine, these legal battles have taken their toll. Without your generous donations, Osceola township probably would have had to declare bankruptcy and fold to Nestlé’s demands. The legal challenges have not only been costly, but time-consuming and stressful.
As Osceola township goes into the next phase of the legal battle, we want to remind them that thousands of people support them and don’t want them to give up.
Will you join me in sending a message of gratitude to Osceola township for doing the good work of protecting their water from Nestlé’s greed?
Osceola Township is a small township near Flint, Michigan, where residents still are without access to clean water, years after one of the most notorious water crises of the century.
When Osceola Township voted against allowing Nestlé to set up a pumping station, Nestlé sued and used its bottomless pockets to try to remove Osceola’s democratic right to decide what to do with its water.
But Osceola Township didn’t give up. Despite Nestlé’s bullying, they have stood their ground every step of the way. Support from caring SumOfUs members like you has helped them move forward in this David vs Goliath battle.
They even sent along this special message for you to thank you for your continuous support. This is a message from Martin Neiman, the Osceola Township Legal Defense Fund Treasurer:
"We want to thank the thousands of SumOfUs members that helped us cover the debt incurred by this lawsuit. It feels powerful to see the names of hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world standing with us on the first day of the court case filed by Nestlé. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."
We want to let Osceola know that we're still with them in this long and arduous battle for their water.
Please join me now in sending along a message of support and gratitude for the important work that Osceola Township is doing to protect its water.
More information
A tiny Michigan town is in a water fight with Nestle
PRI. 4 February 2018.
PRI. 4 February 2018.
The cost of Nestle water: Tiny Michigan town claims bottled water company harms local river
Newsweek. 5 February 2018.
Newsweek. 5 February 2018.