Send A Message To Stop EACOP

Send A Message To Stop EACOP

One leak from the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) could poison the water of Africa’s largest lake that 40 million people depend on for food, farming and their livelihoods. 

The pipeline is an unmitigated environmental disaster.

The good news is the list of climate-wrecking firms backing the project is getting smaller and smaller. Thanks to members like you getting on the phone last month, another Lloyd’s of London syndicate, Cincinnati, has just ruled out underwriting the EACOP!

AND just last week, after relentless public mobilisation, including your signatures and direct emails to staff, Chubb became the first US insurer to require oil & gas companies to cut methane emissions and stop insuring drilling projects in protected areas. People power works!

Insurer Chubb made a step in the right direction- but still isn’t good enough. We need Chubb to rule out insuring all new fossil fuel projects including the disastrous EACOP. Time to remind Chubb and other insurers lagging behind to #dropEACOP and stop ruining our futures.

Send an email to insurance staff now.

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