Nestlé has been waiting years to pounce on a small community's water. The only thing standing in its way has been a temporary moratorium on new bottled water permits.
The current moratorium is about to expire and we have just two weeks to let the Ontario government know that we want a permanent moratorium on new bottled water permits.
You can send a comment directly to the Ontario government to let it know that you want the current moratorium made permanent. It only take a few minutes.
Below are some talking points but it is always more impactful if you write your own message:
- In a time of increased droughts from climate change, it is the government's duty to protect our water
- A permanent moratorium will protect our water for future generations
- New bottled water permits, like those for the Middlebrook well, endanger the public's access to fresh water
- Nestlé's profits should not be put above the public's right to water