The entire British steel industry is teetering on the edge of collapse, potentially wiping out 10,000s of jobs and with them whole towns and communities too.
Unlike saving their chums in the banking industry, the government is so far dithering over stepping in by bringing it into public ownership until a long term solution can be found to protect this critical industry and vital jobs.
Tata Steel’s British plants are but days away from total collapse, and this means our time to act is short. The government minister responsible, Anna Soubry is deciding what to do right now. If thousands of us take action now, we’ve got a really good chance of influencing her thinking and hopefully save the British steel industry from collapse.
Can you sign this petition to Anna Soubry telling her to save the British steel industry.
The British steel industry is in crisis, global producers are dumping below cost steel onto world markets. British producers can’t compete against unfair competition. But by the time global steel prices return to normal it could be too late. The entire British steel industry could be gone.
For places like Port Talbot and Scunthorpe the steel industry is critical to their economic viability. If they plants close down, yet more of Britain will face decades of no prospects, no jobs and all the social problems that come along with that. All through the 80s and early 90s we saw what happened to whole communities when stripped of their main source of employment. It’s something that these communities are still paying the price for today.
Our community has shown when we act together, we have huge strength and power. If we charge in with the power of our collective voice we can show them that the British people are demanding they act. It’s time the government stopped saving its City mates and acted to save the jobs of ordinary people.
Tell Anna Soubry and the government to step in and save the British steel industry.
More information
The Guardian. 30 March 2016.